Earn revenues through

Online 50/50 raffles


“Kathleen is very resourceful and hardworking. Simply put, she sets goals and hits them. By implementing the proper systems and strategies, Kathleen is able to continually grow her output and impact on her role and the organization. Her process, systematic approach, creativity and excellent work ethic is what makes Kathleen a great leader on any team.”

Justin Goodhew

Founder, Trellis

Benefits of a raffle

Raffles are an easy, affordable way to generate funds, create awareness, and capture new audiences for your organization. Tickets can be sold online and are easy to purchase with just a simple click of the mouse.  Additionally, your organization can complement the raffle with paper ticket sales under the same gaming license. By using Do Gooders proven promotional methods, your organization will reach a wider audience and increase revenues.

Do you know the rules?

Are you familiar with licensed charitable gaming rules? Do you know who can participate in raffles and are you familiar with advertising and marketing standards? What about the rules around using social media marketing? There is a lot you need to know to do it right.

Applying and promoting raffles is time consuming.  Do Gooders can apply to the BC Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch on behalf of your organization, set up an online gambling page, and link it to your website, set up online payment processing, order paper tickets, and promote your raffle using several proven methods.

Let Do Gooders take care of setting up your online raffle for you so you can focus on your important work. Contact us to discuss your raffle needs.

Connect with us today

Fundraising Made Easy:
Your Ultimate Guide to Running a Successful Charity Raffle

Are you considering running a charity raffle? Raffles are a great way to raise money and awareness for your nonprofit, but there are several things you need to know to do it right. That’s why we put together this handy guide.

Let’s Work Together

Please note that Do Gooders can provide grant writing services, fundraising initiatives, Google Ads management, and online 50/50 raffles to registered charities who are qualified donees under the Income Tax Act of Canada.