Fundraising Made Easy: Your Ultimate Guide to Running a Successful Charity Raffle

by | Feb 5, 2024 | Raffles

Thinking of organizing a charity raffle? Raffles are a powerful tool for fundraising and raising awareness for your nonprofit. To ensure a truly successful event, it’s crucial to understand the best way to organize a raffle. This comprehensive guide reveals the benefits and outlines exactly what you need for the most successful charity raffle experience.

Benefits of a Charity Raffle

Charity raffles offer an easy, cost-effective way to raise funds, increase awareness, and attract new supporters. Here are some key advantages:

Ease of Execution:

Online raffles not only eliminate the need for traditional, time-consuming fundraising methods but also streamline the entire process. Online platforms seamlessly handle ticket sales, advertising, and the draw itself. With the internet’s expansive reach, you can tap into a larger audience, ultimately boosting revenue for your cause.


In a 50/50 raffle, the prize is generated from ticket sales, eliminating the need to allocate funds for a prize. As ticket sales rise, so does the prize amount, providing a substantial incentive for both the winner and the organization.

Effective Message Delivery:

Raffle promotion serves as an excellent storytelling opportunity. Use social media to showcase your organization’s impactful work, encouraging donations. Add a personal touch that donors truly appreciate by incorporating testimonials from volunteers and beneficiaries.

Database Building and Donor Retention:

Raffles are an effective tool for attracting and retaining donors. Ticket purchasers can be encouraged to join your mailing list, providing an opportunity to engage them further with your organization’s activities.

Who Can Run a Raffle?

Charitable organizations in Canada can conduct 50/50 raffles and gaming events, but securing the appropriate license is crucial. Failure to obtain the proper license may lead to fines or legal complications.

Electronic Raffle Systems (ERS)

When conducting online raffles, it’s essential to use an approved Electronic Raffle System (ERS) provider. These providers manage online ticket sales, ensuring a fair and secure draw through random number generation.

What Do You Need for a Successful Charity Raffle?

For a successful raffle, consider the following:

  • Enthusiastic leader to lead promotional efforts
  • A team for social media posts and ticket sales
  • Adequate marketing budget
  • Strong social media presence
  • Permission from platforms like Facebook for gaming event posts
  • A sizable mailing list with regular correspondence

Raffle Rules

Familiarize yourself with your province’s or territory’s gaming laws, covering aspects like eligibility, venue, prize disbursement, record-keeping, and sales and advertising regulations.

Setting Revenue Goals, Timelines, and Ticket Pricing

Determine realistic revenue goals, considering expenses like credit card processing, marketing, licensing, and ERS provider fees. Establish a timeframe that balances reaching a broad audience without losing interest. Pricing strategies can include bulk sales for perceived value.

How to Promote Your Charity Raffle

Effective marketing strategies include regular email blasts and social media posts. Remind your audience frequently about the deadline to encourage timely purchases. Explore additional promotion methods such as radio and TV ads, as well as partnerships with local websites and newspapers.

While charity raffles offer numerous benefits, organizing and promoting them can be time-consuming. If you’re looking to streamline these tasks, consider outsourcing to a not-for-profit support service like Do Gooders. This allows you to focus on other crucial aspects of your organization while ensuring your raffle and fundraising efforts run smoothly. Book a free 15-minute meeting with Do Gooders today to discuss your raffle and fundraising needs, making the process hassle-free.

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